Wake Up With the Big Speech from ‘Scrooged’

In my opinion “Scrooged” is generally overlooked when it comes to Christmas movies. Maybe it’s not quite the classic that say, “A Christmas Story” or “Elf” are. But I think it belongs right there at the top of the second tier. A little dated at times. A clunky running gag or two. But funny and with an amount of heart that is surprising every time I watch it.

If nothing else, it has prime Bill Murray, with his Bill Murrayishness dialed up to 11. It’s hard to imagine anyone else pulling this off with anything close to the comedy and warmth he gets out of this speech. Karen Allen’s adorableness is eternal. The payoff with Alfre Woodard’s son is absolute Video Pepper Spray. Roll credits to the Annie Lennox-Al Green song. I don’t know, maybe it is a classic. A classic piece of 80s culture at the very least.

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